[Feature Request] Multiple level subkey

Ralph Seichter m16+gnupg at monksofcool.net
Fri Sep 15 14:41:15 CEST 2017

On 15.09.2017 10:52, Robert J. Hansen wrote:

> Often, the best way to begin learning how to do something is to go out
> and do it.

While I have nothing against (rapid) prototyping in general, it is not
the advisable method for each and every project or person. I prefer
spending time designing software, with pencil and paper or what have
you, before writing the first lines of code. That helps with figuring
out what one is trying to achieve, and the basics of how to achieve it,
lowering the risk of getting bogged down in issues of design oversight
or of the chosen programming language.

This, of course, should best be discussed elsewhere. ;-)


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