Errors while creating an g13 encrypted container.

Todd Zullinger tmz at
Fri Apr 13 19:04:46 CEST 2018

Dirk Gottschalk via Gnupg-users wrote:
> Am Freitag, den 13.04.2018, 11:40 +0200 schrieb Werner Koch:
>> On Fri, 13 Apr 2018 03:49, gnupg-users at said:
>>> There is neither a command or package named userv, nor a script
>>> called
>>> 'gnupg-g13-syshelp' in the repositories. The binary g13-syshelp is
>>> available.
>>   apt-get install userv
> In my case it is dnf, but this tool is not available at all in the
> repos.

I don't see userv available for Arch, Gentoo, openSUSE, or
Slackware either.  It's a very old tool (not that this makes
it bad in any way) which hasn't seen updates in a decade or
so, it appears.

Has userv ever been widely packaged outside of Debian?

There are no differences but differences of degree between different
degrees of difference and no difference.
    -- William James, under nitrous oxide; 1882

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