Encrypt USB-HDD with LUKS using OpenPGP smartcard?

Dirk Gottschalk dirk.gottschalk1980 at googlemail.com
Wed Aug 1 17:41:24 CEST 2018


Is it possible to encrypt an external USB drive in LUKS format with an
OpenPGP smartcard? The device is, until now, only passphrase encrypted
and mounted on detect.

Would it be possible to let gpg ask for the PIN of the card, it it's in
locket state?


Dirk Gottschalk
Paulusstrasse 6-8
52064 Aachen, Germany

GPG: DDCB AF8E 0132 AA54 20AB  B864 4081 0B18 1ED8 E838
Keybase.io: https://keybase.io/dgottschalk
GitHub: https://github.com/Dirk1980ac

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