"best" ed25519/curve25519 setup?

Simon Josefsson simon at josefsson.org
Mon Jan 1 14:28:34 CET 2018

Hi.  I want to use ed25519/curve25519, but right now I have an offline
master RSA key with three subkeys.  Does it work well to add new subkeys
for Ed25519/Curve25519?  What is the user experience in various
applications?  I'm thinking MUAs, SSH, git, gpg itself, and also more
exotic approaches like K9Mail.

The alternative for me of course is to create a brand new key, with an
offline Ed25519 master key, plus some subkeys.  Has anyone done this,
and can share their experience?

Naturally, I want the subkeys to be on hardware (smartcard).  Is it
possible to have multiple OpenPGP cards for the same master key, but for
different subkeys?  Does GNUK handle combined RSA+25519 keys?

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