Pinentry: Inappropriate ioctl for device when getting smartcard PIN

Jacob Adams tookmund at
Wed Jun 27 22:50:25 CEST 2018

I've got another pinentry problem unfortunately.
The tty is owned by the correct user this time and $GPG_TTY is set

I have two gpgme contexts, one for openpgp and another for assuan
commands to the smartcard. Pinentry triggered by the openpgp context
works perfectly, but any pinentry launched in service of the assuan
context fails with the error in the subject. They're both using the same
gpg-agent launched shortly after the creation of the openpgp context
with gpgconf --launch gpg-agent.

The relevant logs are available at:

I'm really not sure what's going wrong here and any insight would be
much appreciated.


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