Importing existing key as subkey

Chris Coutinho chrisbcoutinho at
Sat Mar 31 02:54:27 CEST 2018


I'm trying to consolidate my various master keys into a single master 
with subkeys. On my 'old' computer with gpg2.0 (openSUSE 42.3) I was 
able to export the secret key and split it up with `gpgsplit`.  On my 
new machine (openSUSE Tumbleweed), the `gpgsplit` command is 
unavailable, and I'm curious if that functionality has been removed or 
named to something else between the two versions.

Longer version:

I have an existing key generated using gpg2.0 that I would like to 
import as a subkey to my main master key, which is on a computer with 
gpg2.2. For the most part I'm following this SO answer:

I've been able to split up the 'old' key (step 1) into its constituent 
packets using `gpg --export-secret-keys XXXXXXX | gpgsplit -vp XXXXXXX_` 
and transport them to my main computer. From there I created some dummy 
slots in my master. I'm stuck at step four where I need to split up my 
master key into its packets because gpgsplit is missing, and apparently 
not to be found in a gpg-related tool in the main repositories.

I realize this answer might be out-of-date (2014), but I haven't found 
anything thus far as thorough about consolidating. If someone can point 
me to another resource on this topic, I would certainly appreciate it.

Best Regards,

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