WKD: Publishing a key for multiple user IDs

David Bürgin dbuergin at gluet.ch
Tue Jul 16 08:41:11 CEST 2019

On 16/07/2019 08:23, Wolfgang Traylor wrote:
> Try the gpg-wks-client command. It should try to automatically strip the user IDs. Werner Koch explained that in an old post:
> https://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-users/2019-February/061610.html
> Since my primary secret key is offline and I access it with the live system Tails, the gpg-wks-client does not work for me.
> Instead I used the following commands in the Linux command line on Tails:
> Export secret & public keys (including the primary key) into "primary_key.asc".
> ```
> # Work in a temporary directory, with a blank keyring.
> mkdir /tmp/gnupg_posteo
> gpg --homedir "/tmp/gnupg_posteo" --import primary_key.asc
> gpg --homedir "/tmp/gnupg_posteo" --edit-key <Key-ID>
> # Create new user ID with empty name and only the posteo address.
> # To add a comment like "WKD" or such is allowed.
> gpg> adduid
> # Delete all other user IDs.
> gpg> uid 1
> gpg> uid 2
> gpg> deluid
> # Save changes.
> gpg> save
> # Export the public key without any third-party signatures.
> gpg --homedir "/tmp/gnupg_posteo" --export-options="export-minimal" --armor --export <Key-ID> > key_for_posteo.asc
> ```

This is very helpful, thank you Wolfgang!

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