New keyserver at - what's your take?

Wiktor Kwapisiewicz wiktor at
Sat Jun 15 22:30:25 CEST 2019

Hi Konstantin,

On Fri Jun 14, 2019 at 11:19 AM Konstantin Ryabitsev wrote:
> 1. implement the regular --send-key --recv-key api

This is already implemented.

> 2. when accepting a --send-key, check to make sure at least one of the 
> uid's matches an allow-list of identities (for example, from a dump of 
> all authors/committers in linux.git)

I guess this could be implemented as a white-list of e-mails.

I hope you don't mind but I've mentioned this use-case on their issue

> 3. perform email verification using the matching identity from #2

If filtering would be implemented this would also work as is.

> 4. store all key data without stripping out 3rd-party signatures

As far as I understood the Hagrid keyserver developers they're not
against 3rd-party signatures per se, just don't like the idea of anyone
appending data to keys. The answer on the FAQ seems quite open:

> I guess it would be easy enough to hack that into hagrid, but that would 
> mean a hard fork and I'd avoid that at all costs.

I think it would be useful to bring it to Hagrid developers (either on
the issue tracker, via e-mail or #hagrid on IRC). From my experience
they're listening to feedback :)

Have a nice evening!

Kind regards,


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