New keyserver at - what's your take?

Werner Koch wk at
Fri Jun 21 15:32:24 CEST 2019

On Fri, 21 Jun 2019 12:03, gnupg-users at said:

> here is a article (only in german) from Heise:

By the very same guy who showed in the past that he has no clue about
keyservers and their goals and ignored all comments gathered about this
before writing an article [1].

That new thing now is the n-th repetition of the same game: Replacing
PGP by a centralized approach, or well many centralized approaches, in
an attempt to repeat the story of S/MIME.  PGP has its strengths in the
idea of not having the one-and-only-distributor-of-all-keys and thus a
SPoFailure/Denial/Surveillance.  If we want that it is easier to go with

An in-house keyserver is sometimes a good idea but a global validating
keyserver is a failed idea.  Being under the AGPL may also be
problematic because the code can't be used for in-house deployments and
the AGPL often smells a little bit like a trigger for an Open Core
business model.




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