Future OpenPGP Support in Thunderbird

Jeff Allen jrallen at runbox.com
Sun Oct 13 22:27:23 CEST 2019

On 10/13/19 2:21 AM, Patrick Brunschwig wrote:
> The vast majority of users of Enigmail (somewhere around 98%) don't use
> external built keys.

How do you know this?

> The vast majority of users also don't use GnuPG for
> anything else than email. These users don't care where their key is
> stored, nor which software under the hood is used for the crypto. All
> they care is that encryption works smoothly.

And this?

> The most important aspects from our side are the following: The chosen
> solution must run smoothly for the ~20M users of Thunderbird without
> causing a large amount of support/setup issues.

Presumably those ~20,000,000 will have to opt-in to use Thunderbird
encryption.  Most won't for the same reason they don't install and use
Enigmail now.  They don't particularly care about privacy, and the few
who do care correspond with people who don't.

> We want to have
> something that satisfies as many users of Enigmail as possible. We
> certainly don't want to have people run away from Thunderbird because of
> OpenPGP.

If responses to my posts in the "We have GOT TO make things simpler"
thread are any indication, you'll be looking at quite a few back sides.
Is there any reason to think that folks who object to easy-to-use
proprietary encrypted email solutions from ProtonMail and Tutanota will
embrace a proprietary encrypted email solution from Thunderbird?

Jeff Allen

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