FAQ: seeking consensus

Tony Lane codeguro at gmail.com
Sat Oct 19 01:40:28 CEST 2019

Hash: SHA512

On 10/18/19 2:12 PM, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
> (redacted)... there are drugs and other specialists which
> can make you talk and reveal that presence.  At some later time
> i would expect a court order to access log etc. data in and of the
> brain implant will increase personal rights and freedom.

Not exactly. Actually, this is precisely why I find public key 
cryptography so cool. If you do not explicitly add your own address
to the list of recipients, you will not be able to decrypt the message!
This may sound silly, but you may want to write something to someone
that you cannot ever possibly be compelled to decrypt. It will be 
impossible for you to decrypt, even though you wrote it and encrypted
it and even if you have the file in your possession and even if you
have all your secret keys and you know all of your own passwords
and have them written down. You can smile serenely while they're
beating you with a rubber hose, knowing that you can't endanger the
lives of your sources, nor give up your rights, even if you felt like
that might be entertaining for a change. This is also exactly why
governments find it such threat - the idea we have a way to truly,
securely communicate in a way they cannot prove who sent what
terrifies them. It's also what lead to the US trying to classify
such crypto as a military munition, which was later repealed in court
in Bernstein vs US Department of State. They're trying to bring it
back though (hah, fat chance)!

> Btw., you use autocrypt headers, in this mail of yours there are
> thus two certificate keys included.  Unfortunately my MUA not yet
> can either of them, and will not before next spring.
> At that time we will support PGP/MIME and inline signed/encrypted
> messages (even though it will not be nice until some later
> time).  And will have a look into OpenPGP: headers.  But not
> autocrypt, no.

I didn't realize there were people in this mailing list who didn't
use it. Well, I turned it off here... that better?


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