not sending confirmation email

Werner Koch wk at
Tue Sep 17 12:17:00 CEST 2019

On Tue, 17 Sep 2019 09:12, lists at said:

> I am asking myself why Enigmail doesn't. I am not sure (and can't test
> at the moment) how GnuPG would behave if given a problematic name when
> generating a key; I hope it would give a warning or would add the

gpg generates such a key just fine:

  gpg --quick-gen-key "foo, bar | baz <foo at>"

results in

  pub   rsa3072 2019-09-17 [SC] [expires: 2021-09-16]
  uid                      foo, bar | baz <foo at>

and gpg's internal mail-addr extraction function simply looks for the
left angle bracket to find the mail-address and then checks whether that
mail-addr is valid.  The code also allows for a user-id consisting only
of the mail-addr without the angle brackets.  The reason for this is
that this de-facto standard only resembles an rfc-822 address but is not
necessary valid.  For example due to the utf-8 encoding.



Die Gedanken sind frei.  Ausnahmen regelt ein Bundesgesetz.
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