can not encrypt (but decrypt) dues to missing pub key

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at
Wed Apr 1 18:59:17 CEST 2020

On Mittwoch, 1. April 2020 17:30:29 CEST Matthias Apitz wrote:
> I encounter in my server the following situation: I can decrypt files
> but not encrypting any file:
> $ gpg2 --version

Here you are using gpg2.

> $ gpg -d sybase.gpg

Now you are using gpg.

> $ gpg2 -r guru at -ea test

Here you are using gpg2 again. My guess is that the second call uses gpg 1.x 
and a different home (including a different key ring).

> It seems that there is the file pubring.gpg missing:

Of course, because pubring.gpg is the public key container of gpg <2.

> $ ls -ltr /home/guru/.gnupg-v2.1.19
> total 36
> -rw-------  1 guru  wheel    32 11 mar.   2018 pubring.kbx~
> -rw-r--r--  1 guru  wheel  1396 11 mar.   2018 pubring.kbx

pubring.kbx holds the public keys of gpg2.


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