Decryption stalling after SIGINT

Werner Koch wk at
Thu Jul 9 10:26:56 CEST 2020

On Tue,  7 Jul 2020 18:05, Andrew Pennebaker said:
> I am seeing some strange behavior with gpg --decrypt <path>. I had to
> lookup a password recently, and so naturally pressed Control+C to cancel
> the prompt. However, when gpg terminated, it did not fully cleanup the

This will terminate gpg and thus the connection to gpg-agent.  However,
depending on the type of the pinentry it may happen that the pinentry is
still active and you did not notice that.  It will eventually time out
and a new pinentry can come up; a complete deadlock should not happen,
even not on macOS.

Please run the gpg commands with option --verbose so you should be
notified about active pinentries; for example:

  gpg: pinentry launched (5591 gtk2 1.1.1-beta29 /dev/pts/123 xterm [...]

If this does not reveal anything add

  --debug ipc

to the gpg invocation and you will see the communication between gpg and
gpg-agent and possible with dirmngr (for network actions).



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