Newbie question.

Peter Lebbing peter at
Sat Jul 11 20:30:10 CEST 2020


On 11/07/2020 19:58, Ayoub Misherghi wrote:
> ayoub at vboxpwfl:~/sentry/trunk$ cat ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
> batch
> pinentry-mode loopback

Ah yes. Those two options have no place in your gpg.conf. They are
options that you might want to specify as part of the command line on
occasion, but unless you have a very unusual setup they should not be
there. You should remove both. The pinentry-mode is probably what is
preventing you being asked for the passphrase.

> expert

I'd recommend dropping this as well.

> #--passphrase-file file
> #passphrase-file /home/ayoub/.gnupg/output.png

These commented out lines are probably why the pinentry-mode line was
there in the first place. Do you know why these lines, both the
uncommented and the commented ones, are in your gpg.conf?



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