"encrypted with 1 passphrase"

Ayoub Misherghi ayoubhm at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 19:20:08 CEST 2020

A gpg says "encrypted with 1 passphrase". Are there situations where a 

gets encrypted with multiple passphrases?

ayoub at vboxpwfl:~/testdir$ ls


ayoub at vboxpwfl:~/testdir$ gpg --passphrase onetwothree --symmetric textfile
ayoub at vboxpwfl:~/testdir$ ls
textfile    textfile.gpg

ayoub at vboxpwfl:~/testdir$ gpg --passphrase onetwothree -o textfile.dcr 
-d textfile.gpg
gpg: AES256 encrypted data
gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase

ayoub at vboxpwfl:~/testdir$ ls
textfile    textfile.dcr    textfile.gpg

ayoub at vboxpwfl:~/testdir$

ayoub at vboxpwfl:~/sentry/trunk$ diff textfile textfile.dcr
ayoub at vboxpwfl:~/sentry/trunk$

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