GnuPG 'Lottery' - 'fun' with 256 bit keys

Stefan Claas spam.trap.mailing.lists at
Sun Nov 8 22:08:25 CET 2020

Hi all,

while reading about how many possible 256bit keys can be
generated and and also reading about collisions I thought
why not check with a Bitcoin blockchain explorer when one
sees a 256 bit data string in HEX notation if it would
have some balance?

While looking at Werner's signatures, in postings here on
the ML, I could see that his signature contains such data,
when one checks his signature with a tool like this one:

and extracts the 'data:' string in the last row and feeds
then the string in a program like this:

in order to generate the keys for checking.

I already checked a couple of Werner's sigs but the balance
from his signatures was always zero. Maybe someone of you
will have luck in the future to find a proper 256 bit string.
(chances however are *very very very* minimal to almost zero)

P.S. this procedure means that if you have a publicity available
256bit string (in HEX notation) that you simply use it as a secret
key to generate the proper keys for checking ...


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