Thunderbird / Enigmail / Autocrypt

Matthias Apitz guru at
Mon Nov 23 09:01:15 CET 2020

El día lunes, noviembre 23, 2020 a las 07:22:19a. m. +0000, cqcallaw escribió:

> > Since ages human read mails in ASCII or UTF-8 text. Why you think this
> > is not a "human readable format"?
> >
> > HTML as e-mail (read carefully: as email, not as attachment) should be
> > forbidden because most MUA automatically fetch additional remote content
> > which violates privacy and can fetch bad content into your system.
> > You're warned.
> >
> > matthias
> >
> At my job, I frequently send out summary charts and graphs surrounded by text.
> Attachments simply do not work; my audience cannot spend the mental energy to
> context-switch between text and attachments, and my reports become unusable.
> I also provide hyperlinks in my reports. Sharing hyperlinks in plaintext emails
> is possible, but verbose and unfriendly to the viewer.
> In such circumstances, plaintext email is not human readable; I must use HTML.

Below you find a good example of such HTML SPAM going directly to an
external web server to fetch an "IMG" which could contain malisious code.
Is this what you really want to send to your boss or colleagues?


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Unbenanntes Dokument</title>

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