ping - Governikus

Stefan Claas spam.trap.mailing.lists at
Sat Oct 31 19:43:20 CET 2020

Dear Governikus team,

I hope that some of your OpenPGP public key certification
team members are subscribed to this list as well or people
who might know you.

I would like to make the following proposal that users using
your certification service have the ability to upload pub keys
for signing, which do not require an email address in the UID
and that such public keys can be mailed on digital media
to the (in a provided submission form) postal address.

The reason for my suggestion is that users wishing to use
only one public key, without many email addresses for each
account should have the ability IMHO to use only one public
key for all accounts and other services without having a lot
of extra UIDs attached to their certified public key and it
should not been obvious to 3rd parties to which email address
a public key belongs to.

Since your certification procedure does rely on our nPA
with a (certified) card reader and not an email address
this should be possible.

Because this would be extra work for you I would not mind
paying a fee for this extra feature.

Best regards

Stefan Claas,
Berlin, Germany

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