GNUPG and Google Cloud

C.J. Collier cjac at
Tue Aug 16 22:29:19 CEST 2022

Hi David,

I would take a look at Secret Manager[1] as a way to store your private key
material confidentially.  Perhaps consider Cloud Run[2] as a mechanism for
execution of arbitrary code, in this case for instance with the
encryption/decryption pipeline using the python runtime and python-gnupg[3]

You might instead find Cloud Pub/Sub[4] and Dataflow[5] to be useful for
streaming the data from your on-prem environment to GCS, and from GCS to

In short, yes, there are a variety of ways to perform the steps that you're
talking about on GCP.  You should be able to develop a proof of concept on
a small scale while staying within the limits of the free tier[6].  I'm not
quite clear on why you would want to encrypt the data when you will
eventually decrypt it for storage into BigQuery, but yes, it is feasible.



On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 11:33 AM David Gordon <DavidWGordon1011 at>

> CJ,
> We were looking for a server-less solution. What we want to do is take
> data from a legacy mainframe system, encrypt it via PGP, and then via GKE
> transfer it to Cloud Storage. From there we want to decrypt it via GnuPG,
> save it in Cloud Storage and then load it into Big Query.
> Thanks,
> David
> *From:* C.J. Collier <cjac at>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 16, 2022 10:23 AM
> *To:* David Gordon <DavidWGordon1011 at>
> *Cc:* gnupg-users at
> *Subject:* Re: GNUPG and Google Cloud
> Hi there!
> Are you looking for a server-less solution or will a Debian instance on
> GCE or GKE suffice?
> You can "deploy" GNUPG with apt-get.  Decrypting content would require
> getting a private key or an agent onto the system.
> Can you give more details about what you're looking for?
> C.J. in Cloud Support, Seattle
> GCP Technical Solutions Engineer
> On Tue, Aug 16, 2022, 05:49 David Gordon via Gnupg-users <
> gnupg-users at> wrote:
> Can GnuPG be deployed to GCP to decrypt files? If so, is there a
> recommended approach?
> Thanks,
> David
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