key creation time

jonkomer jonkomer at
Sat Feb 5 17:52:52 CET 2022

In gpg 2.2, option "--faked-system-time 0" can be used to avoid
inserting the "wall clock" time/date in the generated key.

gpg 1.4 does not recognize the option. Is there any other method
(short of changing the OS time) to achieve the same effect in 1.4?

<> is, I assume,
the definitive user-documentation source for the current (2.3) gpg.
I was unable to find the equivalent for either 2.2 (which is what
my distro ships with), or gpg 1.4 (that my distro also includes,
as "gpg1").

Any suggestion Where to look for those?

tia, Jon K.

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