[Announce] A New Future for GnuPG

Michael Uplawski michael.uplawski at uplawski.eu
Tue Jan 4 06:54:56 CET 2022

Am Tue, Jan 04, 2022 at 04:02:21PM +1100 schrieb raf via Gnupg-users:
> > Hello and a Happy Gnu Year!

This makes me count the years. Should I really start?

I had “used” PGP before I had an Internet-connection and longer even
before I had changed careers to become a “software-developer” (of a
In the meantime, I have stopped being the latter and am falling foul of
the Net. GnuPG is still a constant in my daily life.

Do not be too impressed with the numbers, but if it makes you chuckle, I
did something useful this morning. ;)

I cannot estimate what you did and have never understood much, but you
did it looks as if you did it the right way. Sit back, fold your hands
on your belly and smile.

And Cheerio !


Je ne réponds que avec retard aux messages non-signés ou non-chiffrés (en
absence du “Content-Type: signed” ou “encrypted”. Messages publics (listes
etc.) sont exemptés de cette règle : http://www.uplawski.eu/div/mailblock 
GnuPG rsa4096 2020-09-08 [SC] [expire : 2022-09-08]
sub   rsa4096 2020-09-08 [E] [expire : 2022-09-08]

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