Troubleshooting help

Werner Koch wk at
Thu Nov 10 09:54:17 CET 2022


On Wed,  9 Nov 2022 18:10, Andrea Lenarduzzi said:
> Hi,   I've a lot of problems to use gpg with OmniKey AG OMNIKEY 3x21
> and Alcor Micro Corp. AU9540. gpg: selecting card failed

Better get a solid reader and not those Windows reader which delegate
parts of their duties in their Windows driver (Short APDU mode
problems).  However, you can try to use the pcscd instead of the GnuPG
internal CCID driver.  Add


to ~/.gnupg/ and make sure pcscd is installed and running.

The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that
refuse military service.             - A. Einstein
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