GnuPG over web

Pasha pasha at
Sun Dec 17 22:36:16 CET 2023

Hi all,

I created an example of GnuPG over web.
No browser plugin needed, but WebSocket support required.

   user    ---------- public key ---------------->
                                                 |  webserver
   user    <-----HTTP data with GNUPG tag(s)------

   browser -------- encrypted data -------------->
                                                 | local websocket
                                                 v (
   browser <------- plain text data --------------

User will submit public key to a website using HTTP POST or other
Webserver will encrypt some information (Banking, other data) using
public key and put inside html tag(s).
When the page is loaded in browser, javascript will send encrypted HTML
tags' contents to a local WebSocket to get plain text data.

Local WebSocket is a server with current user's private key to decrypt
using GPGME.


Without local WebSocket server:
<div class="GNUPG_OVER_WEB">
WebSocket server with private key:
<div class="GNUPG_OVER_WEB">
plain text content.

Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.
Thank you.

note: resending without pgp example tag.


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