expiration date for the keys pgp (automatism)
Steffen Nurpmeso
steffen at sdaoden.eu
Sun Jun 11 00:30:01 CEST 2023
Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in
<20230609132434.xS7mR%steffen at sdaoden.eu>:
|Werner Koch wrote in
| <875y7wvn4y.fsf at wheatstone.g10code.de>:
||On Mon, 5 Jun 2023 14:49, broussard marc said:
||> => does pgp can tell when the key is becoming soon expired?
||That is easy on Unix:
|| $ gpg --list-keys --with-colons \
||| awk -F: -v days=60 \
|| 'BEGIN { from=systime(); to=from+(days*86400)};\
|Not _that_ easy ("date +%s" maybe, strftime(3) %s is old).
| #?2|kent:$ awk 'END{print systime()}' </dev/null
| 1686316851
| #?0|kent:$ mawk 'END{print systime()}' </dev/null
| 1686316853
| #?0|kent:$ nawk 'END{print systime()}' </dev/null
| nawk: calling undefined function systime
| source line number 1
Todd Millert of sudo/OpenBSD mentioned that nawk (Kernighan's one
true awk) got systime(), but it is on the [bsd-features] branch of
the github repo[1] only, taken over among other things by Aharon
Robbins of gawk (i had opened an issue; 'and switched my CRUX
Linux port to that branch).
[1] https://github.com/onetrueawk/awk.git
| #?2|kent:$ busybox.static awk 'END{print systime()}' </dev/null
| 1686316860
|| $1=="pub" && $7 > from && $7 < to { found=1 };
|| $1=="fpr" && found {found=0; \
|| print "key " $10 " expires in the next " days " days"}'
||A really proper solution would use a function to decode field 7 because
||it may in the future be shown as YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS (actually gpgsm does it
||this way).
||I will consider to allow the expiration date for the --list-filter which
||could then be used on Windows (i.e. w/o awk) as well.
|Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)
|..and in spring, hear David Leonard sing..
|The black bear, The black bear,
|blithely holds his own holds himself at leisure
|beating it, up and down tossing over his ups and downs with pleasure
|Farewell, dear collar bear
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