sopv-gpgpv: an implementation of the verification-only subset of the Stateless OpenPGP CLI using gpgv as a backend

andrewg andrewg at
Tue Aug 6 13:28:14 CEST 2024

On 2024-08-06 10:32, Jakob Bohm via Gnupg-users wrote:
> For issues such as the above, the proper script-friendly solution is to
> enhance gpgv itself with command line options to specify the desired
> trust requirements.  For the multi-signer scenario above, an option 
> could
> be set to
>     --must-match-percent 90 --ignore-unknown

I think using percentages rather than absolute values here would be 
dangerous. If this is a percentage of the number of keys in the keyring, 
it would make updating the membership of the keyring a potential DOS 
event. If it is a percentage of the number of signatures on the message, 
an attacker who compromises just one signing key could distribute a 
package signed by just that key, and 100% of attached signatures would 


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