S/MIME which certificate format

Marco Moock mm at dorfdsl.de
Wed Jun 12 21:37:11 CEST 2024


I got an S/MIME certificate from Sectigo, which I would like to use
with gpgsm/Kleopatra.

I got a .crt (PEM according to the file command) from them and I used
openssl to create a pfx (also tried p12) together with my private key.

openssl pkcs12 -export -out zertifikat-smime/zert-alles.pfx -inkey
zertifikat-smime/smime-priv.key -in
zertifikat-smime/zertifikat-umbruch.crt -certfile

I tried to import it, but it doesn't work.
Is that the right way to create the pfx file that can be used with

Parts of the log (full file attached):

gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: container(s) closed due to size
gpgsm: unknown digest algorithm '?' used certificate
gpgsm: certificate has a BAD signature: General error
gpgsm: basic certificate checks failed - not imported
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next skipped
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:bags/endloop:2753: @5986 lvl=1 
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> KEYWRAP_KEY --import
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- [ xyz xyz a3
...(2 byte(s) skipped) ]
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- OK
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> IMPORT_KEY --timestamp=20240612T192929
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- INQUIRE KEYDATA
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> [[Confidential data not shown]]
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> [[Confidential data not shown]]
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> END
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- ERR 67141667 Die Datei existiert bereits <GPG

kind regards
-------------- next part --------------
gpgsm: enabled debug flags: ipc
gpgsm: enabled compatibility flags:
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- OK Pleased to meet you, process 50840
gpgsm: DBG: connection to agent established
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> RESET
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- OK
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> OPTION ttyname=/dev/pts/4
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- OK
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> OPTION ttytype=xterm
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- OK
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> OPTION display=:0.0
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- OK
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> OPTION xauthority=/home/m/.Xauthority
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- OK
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> OPTION putenv=XDG_SESSION_TYPE=tty
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- OK
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> OPTION putenv=DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- OK
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> OPTION lc-ctype=C
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- OK
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> OPTION lc-messages=C
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- OK
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> GETINFO version
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- D 2.2.43
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- OK
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> OPTION allow-pinentry-notify
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- OK
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> [[Confidential data not shown]]
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- [[Confidential data not shown]]
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> [[Confidential data not shown]]
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- [[Confidential data not shown]]
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2662: @0000 class=0 tag=16 len=6047 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0004 lvl=1 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2668: @0004 class=0 tag=2 len=1 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2674: @0007 class=0 tag=16 len=5973 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0011 lvl=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2679: @0011 class=0 tag=6 len=9 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2686: @0022 class=2 tag=0 len=5958 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0026 lvl=3 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2691: @0026 class=0 tag=4 len=5954 nhdr=4 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0030 lvl=4 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2706: @0030 class=0 tag=16 len=5950 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0034 lvl=5 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:bags/beginloop:2712: @0034 lvl=5 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2713: @0034 class=0 tag=16 len=3370 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:bag-sequence:2716: @0038 lvl=5 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0038 lvl=6 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2720: @0038 class=0 tag=6 len=9 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: processing bag.encryptedData
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1421: @0049 class=2 tag=0 len=3355 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0053 lvl=7 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1426: @0053 class=0 tag=16 len=3351 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0057 lvl=8 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1432: @0057 class=0 tag=2 len=1 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1442: @0060 class=0 tag=16 len=3344 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0064 lvl=9 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1448: @0064 class=0 tag=6 len=9 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1456: @0075 class=0 tag=16 len=95 nhdr=2  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0077 lvl=10 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1461: @0077 class=0 tag=6 len=9 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1488: @0088 class=0 tag=16 len=82 nhdr=2  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0090 lvl=11 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1493: @0090 class=0 tag=16 len=49 nhdr=2  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0092 lvl=12 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1498: @0092 class=0 tag=6 len=9 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1509: @0103 class=0 tag=16 len=36 nhdr=2  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0105 lvl=13 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1515: @0105 class=0 tag=4 len=16 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1529: @0123 class=0 tag=2 len=2 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1543: @0127 class=0 tag=16 len=12 nhdr=2  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0129 lvl=14 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1547: @0129 class=0 tag=6 len=8 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: kdf digest algo = 8
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1564: @0139 class=0 tag=5 len=0 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @0141 lvl=13 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @0141 lvl=12 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @0141 lvl=11 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: container(s) closed due to size
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1571: @0141 class=0 tag=16 len=29 nhdr=2  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0143 lvl=12 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1576: @0143 class=0 tag=6 len=9 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1594: @0154 class=0 tag=4 len=16 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @0172 lvl=11 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @0172 lvl=10 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @0172 lvl=9 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: container(s) closed due to size
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1639: @0172 class=2 tag=0 len=3232 nhdr=4 
gpgsm: 3232 bytes of AES256 encrypted text
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1679: @0000 class=0 tag=16 len=3212 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0004 lvl=1 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1693: @0004 class=0 tag=16 len=1607 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0008 lvl=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1704: @0008 class=0 tag=6 len=11 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1730: @0021 class=2 tag=0 len=1551 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0025 lvl=3 
gpgsm: processing certBag
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1840: @0025 class=0 tag=16 len=1547 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0029 lvl=4 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1845: @0029 class=0 tag=6 len=10 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1858: @0041 class=2 tag=0 len=1531 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0045 lvl=5 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1868: @0045 class=0 tag=4 len=1527 nhdr=4 
gpgsm: unknown digest algorithm '?' used certificate
gpgsm: certificate has a BAD signature: General error
gpgsm: basic certificate checks failed - not imported
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @1576 lvl=4 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @1576 lvl=3 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @1576 lvl=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: container(s) closed due to size
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1882: @1576 class=0 tag=17 len=37 nhdr=2  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @1578 lvl=3 
gpgsm: skipping bag.attribute_set
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @1615 lvl=2 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @1615 lvl=1 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: container(s) closed due to size
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1693: @1615 class=0 tag=16 len=1597 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @1619 lvl=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1704: @1619 class=0 tag=6 len=11 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1730: @1632 class=2 tag=0 len=1580 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @1636 lvl=3 
gpgsm: processing certBag
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1840: @1636 class=0 tag=16 len=1576 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @1640 lvl=4 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1845: @1640 class=0 tag=6 len=10 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1858: @1652 class=2 tag=0 len=1560 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @1656 lvl=5 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1868: @1656 class=0 tag=4 len=1556 nhdr=4 
gpgsm: certificate is good
gpgsm: certificate is good
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @3216 lvl=4 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @3216 lvl=3 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @3216 lvl=2 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @3216 lvl=1 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @3216 lvl=0 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @3408 lvl=8 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @3408 lvl=7 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @3408 lvl=6 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @3408 lvl=5 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: container(s) closed due to size
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2713: @3408 class=0 tag=16 len=2572 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:bag-sequence:2716: @3412 lvl=5 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @3412 lvl=6 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2720: @3412 class=0 tag=6 len=9 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: processing bag data
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2536: @3423 class=2 tag=0 len=2557 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @3427 lvl=7 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2541: @3427 class=0 tag=4 len=2553 nhdr=4 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @3431 lvl=8 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2559: @3431 class=0 tag=16 len=2549 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @3435 lvl=9 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:data.outerseqs/beginloop:2565: @3435 lvl=9 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2566: @3435 class=0 tag=16 len=2545 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @3439 lvl=10 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2579: @3439 class=0 tag=6 len=11 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: processing shrouded_key_bag
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1982: @3452 class=2 tag=0 len=2489 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @3456 lvl=11 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1987: @3456 class=0 tag=16 len=2485 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @3460 lvl=12 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1993: @3460 class=0 tag=16 len=95 nhdr=2  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @3462 lvl=13 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:1998: @3462 class=0 tag=6 len=9 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2021: @3473 class=0 tag=16 len=82 nhdr=2  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @3475 lvl=14 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2026: @3475 class=0 tag=16 len=49 nhdr=2  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @3477 lvl=15 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2031: @3477 class=0 tag=6 len=9 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2039: @3488 class=0 tag=16 len=36 nhdr=2  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @3490 lvl=16 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2045: @3490 class=0 tag=4 len=16 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2059: @3508 class=0 tag=2 len=2 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2073: @3512 class=0 tag=16 len=12 nhdr=2  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @3514 lvl=17 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2077: @3514 class=0 tag=6 len=8 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: kdf digest algo = 8
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2094: @3524 class=0 tag=5 len=0 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @3526 lvl=16 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @3526 lvl=15 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @3526 lvl=14 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: container(s) closed due to size
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2101: @3526 class=0 tag=16 len=29 nhdr=2  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @3528 lvl=15 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2106: @3528 class=0 tag=6 len=9 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2123: @3539 class=0 tag=4 len=16 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @3557 lvl=14 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @3557 lvl=13 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @3557 lvl=12 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: container(s) closed due to size
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2165: @3557 class=0 tag=4 len=2384 nhdr=4 
gpgsm: 2384 bytes of AES256 encrypted text
gpgsm: DBG: new parser context
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2208: @0000 class=0 tag=16 len=2369 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0004 lvl=1 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2219: @0004 class=0 tag=2 len=1 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2236: @0007 class=0 tag=16 len=13 nhdr=2  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0009 lvl=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2241: @0009 class=0 tag=6 len=9 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: RSA parameters
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2254: @0020 class=0 tag=5 len=0 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @0022 lvl=1 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: container(s) closed due to size
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2284: @0022 class=0 tag=4 len=2347 nhdr=4 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0026 lvl=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2289: @0026 class=0 tag=16 len=2343 nhdr=4  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @0030 lvl=3 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2343: @0030 class=0 tag=2 len=1 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2343: @0033 class=0 tag=2 len=513 nhdr=4 
gpgsm: DBG: RSA key parameter 0 found
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2343: @0550 class=0 tag=2 len=3 nhdr=2 
gpgsm: DBG: RSA key parameter 1 found
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2343: @0555 class=0 tag=2 len=512 nhdr=4 
gpgsm: DBG: RSA key parameter 2 found
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2343: @1071 class=0 tag=2 len=257 nhdr=4 
gpgsm: DBG: RSA key parameter 3 found
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2343: @1332 class=0 tag=2 len=257 nhdr=4 
gpgsm: DBG: RSA key parameter 4 found
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2343: @1593 class=0 tag=2 len=256 nhdr=4 
gpgsm: DBG: RSA key parameter 5 found
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2343: @1853 class=0 tag=2 len=256 nhdr=4 
gpgsm: DBG: RSA key parameter 6 found
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2343: @2113 class=0 tag=2 len=256 nhdr=4 
gpgsm: DBG: RSA key parameter 7 found
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @2373 lvl=2 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @2373 lvl=1 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @2373 lvl=0 
gpgsm: DBG: restoring parser context
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @5945 lvl=11 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @5945 lvl=10 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: container(s) closed due to size
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2386: @5945 class=0 tag=17 len=37 nhdr=2  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_push:549: @5947 lvl=11 
gpgsm: skipping shrouded_key_bag.attribute_set
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next called
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @5984 lvl=10 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @5984 lvl=9 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @5984 lvl=8 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @5984 lvl=7 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @5984 lvl=6 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @5984 lvl=5 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @5984 lvl=4 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @5984 lvl=3 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @5984 lvl=2 
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_pop:590: @5984 lvl=1 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: container(s) closed due to size
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:_tlv_next:2566: @5984 class=0 tag=16 len=65 nhdr=2  cons
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:data.outerseqs/endloop:2604: @5986 lvl=1 
gpgsm: DBG: _tlv_next: tlv_next skipped
gpgsm: DBG: p12_parse:bags/endloop:2753: @5986 lvl=1 
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> KEYWRAP_KEY --import
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- [ 44 20 4e f7 b1 c6 a9 4e 12 bd 99 b5 c7 6c ed a3 ...(2 byte(s) skipped) ]
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- OK
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> IMPORT_KEY --timestamp=20240612T192929
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- INQUIRE KEYDATA
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> [[Confidential data not shown]]
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> [[Confidential data not shown]]
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 -> END
gpgsm: DBG: chan_4 <- ERR 67141667 Die Datei existiert bereits <GPG Agent>
gpgsm: total number processed: 3
gpgsm:              unchanged: 1
gpgsm:       secret keys read: 1
gpgsm:  secret keys unchanged: 1
gpgsm:           not imported: 1
secmem usage: 0/16384 bytes in 0 blocks

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