Restructure Keys.

Nombre y Apellidos deceroadiez at
Sun Jun 23 11:30:46 CEST 2024

El jue, 06-06-2024 a las 08:14 +0200, Werner Koch via Gnupg-users
> On Wed,  5 Jun 2024 21:43, Ingo Klöcker said:
> > Just create a new S-only subkey. There's no need to remove the S
> > capability 
> > from the primary key because the signing key is only used by
> > yourself and you 
> > know that you want to use the subkey for signing.
> Right.  In case someone wants to do this anyway there is a hidden
> command "changeusage" in the --edit-key menu.  Take care, this
> creates
> as usual a new self-signature.

Very interesting. Why is hidden? will be in the future removed or
consolidated as "normal" option?


> Salam-Shalom,
>    Werner


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