Rectify agent/client mismatch 2.2.27/2.3.3

Werner Koch wk at
Tue Oct 8 18:32:51 CEST 2024


On Mon,  7 Oct 2024 12:28, John Soo said:

> there a way for me to put this client into an accessibility mode so
> that the older agent will recognize the IPC commands? It is very hard
> for me to upgrade either client or agent in this case.

Without being able to update the cleint it will be somehwat hard for

> gpg: DBG: chan_5 -> OPTION ttyname=/dev/pts/0
> gpg: DBG: chan_5 <- ERR 67109115 Forbidden <GPG Agent>
> gpg: DBG: chan_5 -> GETINFO restricted
> gpg: DBG: chan_5 <- OK

Yes, you are in restricted mode and thus this connection via the
agent-extra-socket is not allowed to do certain operations.

> gpg: DBG: chan_5 -> HAVEKEY --list=1000
> gpg: DBG: chan_5 <- ERR 67109144 IPC parameter error <GPG Agent> -
> invalid hexstring
> gpg: problem with fast path key listing: IPC parameter error - ignored

As stated this is ignored and instead the gpg-agent is asked using the
classic command:

> gpg: DBG: chan_5 -> HAVEKEY <key1> <key2> <key3>
> gpg: DBG: chan_5 <- ERR 67108881 No secret key <GPG Agent>

But the agent tells you that it does not have these keys.  Check whether
the gpg-agent (on the client) has the files


etc?  You can also test this by running on the cleint:

  gpg-connect-agent 'HAVEKEY <key1> <key2> <key3>'  /bye

Same result?



The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that
refuse military service.             - A. Einstein
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