HOW to upgrade: 2.0.22 --> 2.3.3 ???

Werner Koch wk at
Thu Oct 10 09:34:47 CEST 2024

On Wed,  9 Oct 2024 13:55, Mike Schleif said:

> We do not want every key at level ultimate, and we do not want to manually
> edit hundreds of keys to change each trust level.

There is a an easier way:

  gpg --export-ownertrust >ownertrust.txt

and then edit that file.  You see lines like


The first field is the fingerprint and the second field (6) gives the
ownertrust value:

#define TRUST_MASK	 15
#define TRUST_UNKNOWN	  0  /* o: not yet calculated/assigned */
#define TRUST_EXPIRED	  1  /* e: calculation may be invalid */
#define TRUST_UNDEFINED   2  /* q: not enough information for calculation */
#define TRUST_NEVER	  3  /* n: never trust this pubkey */
#define TRUST_MARGINAL	  4  /* m: marginally trusted */
#define TRUST_FULLY	  5  /* f: fully trusted      */
#define TRUST_ULTIMATE	  6  /* u: ultimately trusted */
/* Trust values not covered by the mask. */
#define TRUST_FLAG_REVOKED        32 /* r: revoked */
#define TRUST_FLAG_SUB_REVOKED    64 /* r: revoked but for subkeys */
#define TRUST_FLAG_DISABLED      128 /* d: key/uid disabled */
#define TRUST_FLAG_PENDING_CHECK 256 /* a check-trustdb is pending */
#define TRUST_FLAG_TOFU_BASED    512 /* The trust value is based on
                                      * the TOFU information.  */

Thus setting the second fields to 5 and do a

  gpg --import-ownertrust < ownertrust.txt
  gpg --check-trustdb

should do what you have in mind.

But let me note that this is not an official API - it works but it may
in theory be changed w/o notice.



The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that
refuse military service.             - A. Einstein
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