[mailop] OpenPGP WKD URL

Vincent Breitmoser look at my.amazin.horse
Tue Feb 11 17:44:49 CET 2025

Hey Werner, list,

On 11.02.25 17:17, Werner Koch wrote:
>> It's of course a matter of trust. But for a fair amount of people, it
>> seems to be a reasonable tradeoff.
> [ This also works around the trust model of WKD which claims that you are
>    the owner of your domain.]

I'm not sure I follow. If I point my MX to my email provider, it's the 
same thing isn't it, delegating a specific service associated to the 
domain I own to a service provider? It's pretty nice even in terms of 
trust if email and WKD are served by independent entities, so the email 
provider can't MitM you if they also manage WKD.

I know Proton had plans to offer WKDaaS for their users as well. But 
turns out managing a large amount of certificates is quite the 
engineering challenge, so I guess they never finished it.

> The openpgpkey prefix thingy was only introduced to work around the
> t-online.de/Stroehr website and DNS responsibility mess.  I wished I
> never had introduced that - in particular because t-online then never
> introduced WKD.

Yeah. Bummer it didn't work out with them, but I wager they're not the 
only ones with this management problem. Placing content directly on the 
main domain is certainly much more difficult in terms of processes and 
ownership than adding a specialized subdomain.

  - V

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