Infrastructure support for GnuPG post-quantum keys

have at have at
Tue Jan 7 05:09:52 CET 2025

On Mon, 06 Jan 2025 09:09:28 +0100, Werner Koch <wk at> wrote 
(quotes rearranged):

>For initail key discovering (lookup) there are better methods:

Thanks for the tips.

>- Send the key with your initial may and start to build up trust.  
>(after all there must be some reason that you trust a mail address)

A question of netiquette:  Is it acceptable to do this on a first post 
to a public list?

To the end stated in OP, I have taken the liberty of hereby attaching a 
LibrePGP key with hybrid post-quantum encryption subkey and with the OCB 
feature flag enabled.  But I would not ordinarily send a key to a 
list—not even once (and especially not when FIPS 205/SPHINCS+ with its 
large signatures is implemented and used for long-term identity 
certification [C] keys).  It was my primary motive for attempting the 

When cold-contacting a stranger, I habitually attach one or more PGP 
keys as MIME type application/pgp-keys.  Users of some mail clients may 
need to be cautious about a wrong MIME type.

>-[...more suggestions...]
>- Distribute the key along with your mail address using the Web Key 

What is the best practice for using WKD to distribute multiple keys for 
the same mail address, potentially with different PGP version bytes 
(v4/v5) during a time when early adopters of a new version want to 
continue supporting an obsolete version for awhile?  In preparation 
maybe to set up a WWW site, I’ve been intending to write a separate 
thread about that... here goes:

§ 3.1 of WKD (draft 19) states that a keyserver “may” return a revoked 
key and a new key in a single request as “concatenated key blocks”.  
However, it does not address the cases of:

  * Multiple valid keys.

  * WKD client acceptance of a key in a recognized version, when it is 
concatenated (prepended or appended) with a key is in an unrecognized 
version.  (It is presumed here that the packet formats are the same “New 
Format Packet” as defined in RFC4880/LibrePGP § 4.2; otherwise, it looks 
like binary garbage and packet lengths cannot be parsed.)

  * Prioritization of keys.  Prefer first?  Last?  Highest version?  Best 

As a practical matter, in-the-wild client behavior needs to be tested.  
It’s a nontrivial problem; one of the major WKD clients is a “web app” 
which cannot be installed and scripted in a controlled test environment 
without an account on a remote server.

GnuPG’s behavior should also be tested by concatenating a v4/v5 key with 
a key in a nonexistent packet version, say v255.  If I take this up 
sometime, I will post to -devel.

I hope that I can find some automagical way for WKD to make all 
correspondents use the best key for me that they support, until I fully 
deprecate v4 keys.


>The concept of public keyservers is dead.  It worked well in a past 
>Internet with mostly friendly inhabitants.  But we are not anymore in 
>the 90ies and DoS is a major concern.  There is also the false 
>assumption of many users that keys from a keyserver are in any way 

And we are not anymore in the 90ies when the zeroth rule of security was 
not to run network-loaded executable code, most tech-savvy people 
disabled javascript and java in their WWW browsers (duh), people did not 
hide their mail addresses (good), mailservers accepted mail from 
friendly strangers without a stupid robot passing judgment on whether it 
should be silently junked (good), nobody except plan9 had proper UTF-8 
support (bad), timestamps were absolute and not relative time (good), 
SSL was only for shopping (bad), PGP users blithely documented their 
social graphs via Web of Trust (bad; thanks for GnuPG’s TOFU mode), the 
future author of NaCl had also not yet invented the term “post-quantum 
crypto” :-(, and people cared enough to have RSA tattoos and blue 
ribbons and such.

Did you know that early Hotmail worked in Lynx?  (Without PGP, of 
necessity for a few months when I was young and had limited options for 
Net access.)  Their frameset was tricky to navigate in Lynx, but it did 

Not to put too fine a point on it, but I think getting more in-the-wild 
user PQ keys for the first major \*PGP implementation with usable PQ 
encryption would be consistent with the spirit of the Net.  GnuPG 2.5.1 
30 days after NIST final FIPS-203 = write code, protect users.

# Remember these on Wednesday, January 15, 2025:
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