[gnutls-dev]gnutls 0.5.0

Nikos Mavroyanopoulos nmav@gnutls.org
Sat Jul 6 23:31:01 2002

I've just released gnutls 0.5.0

The major news in this release are:

- Added X.509 certificate tests in tests/ directory
- Removed stubs for SRP and Anonymous authentication. They served
  no purpose since they are always included, unless it was requested
  not to do so.
- Added gnutls_handshake_set_private_extensions() function. This
  function can be used to enable private (gnutls specific) cipher suites
  and compression algorithms.
- Added check for C99 macro support by the compiler.
- Added functions gnutls_b64_encode_fmt2() and gnutls_b64_decode_fmt2()
- Added the new libtasn1 library.
- Removed the gdbm backend. Applications are now responsible for the
  session resuming backend. The gnutls-serv application contains an
  simple example on how to use gdbm for resuming.
- Headers for the gnutls library are now installed in $(includedir)/gnutls
- Added an OpenSSL compatible interface (with some limitations).
- Added functions to convert DER encoded certificates to XML format.

Nikos Mavroyanopoulos