[gnutls-dev]OpenSSL compatible interface to GNUTLS

Andrew McDonald andrew@mcdonald.org.uk
Sun Jun 16 16:11:02 2002

FYI, I've just written the start of a shim layer to allow programs
written to use OpenSSL to use gnutls instead. At the moment it only
contains enough functions to allow slrn to compile with gnutls rather
than OpenSSL, and the error handling probably isn't correct.

This seems a useful temporary solution for those GPL programs that
already contain OpenSSL support (but probably can't be distributed
linked against OpenSSL because of the license conflicts).

I might try to expand this at some point, but I certainly don't plan on
doing a complete OpenSSL interface to gnutls.

It is at:

Andrew McDonald
E-mail: andrew@mcdonald.org.uk