[gnutls-dev] gnutls's sonames

Matthias Urlichs smurf at smurf.noris.de
Sat Mar 12 06:26:40 CET 2005


Tim Ringenbach:
> What I'm probably going to do is build multiple versions of the plugin
> against each version of gnutls. So I'll have a ssl-gnutls10.so and a
> ssl-gnutsl11.so, etc. I expect setting up the build environment for this
> will be a bit tricky though.
Your system should have a /usr/lib/lbgnutls.so file (which corresponds
to the headers installed in /usr/include). You link against that.

Why would you care about the library's soname? The linker does the
Right Thing for you.

You cannot build against other libgnutls versions anyway, because you
don't have the corresponding C header files installed.

Matthias Urlichs   |   {M:U} IT Design @ m-u-it.de   |  smurf at smurf.noris.de
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