[gnutls-dev] Where to get OpenCDK 0.6.5

Simon Josefsson simon at josefsson.org
Tue Oct 30 10:40:04 CET 2007

Andreas Metzler <ametzler at downhill.at.eu.org> writes:

>> > Yes, which you have already done in 2.1.4 ;-)
>> Actually, I only bumped the ABI version in configure.in.
> ametzler at m26s25:/tmp$ diff -Nur gnutls-2.1.3/ gnutls-2.1.4/ | filterdiff -i'*/*.vers'

Actually, that was Nikos. :)

> Could you bump also lib/libgnutlsxx.vers and
> libextra/libgnutls-extra.vers, please?


>> As far as I have understood the libgnutls.vers discussions, there really
>> won't ever be a time we are going to touch that file.
> Hello,
> I am not sure, but I or a fellow Debian maintainer probably has asked
> for and caused *simple* symbol versioning to be added to gnutls
> since it helps us a lot for the library transition phase.
> Just bump the version file whenever the soname changes.

Ok, that is clear enough, and we'll do it.  It just isn't clear to me if
that is the right thing, as far as libtool and ELF versioning was
designed to work.

> If you don't we will get crashes because of conflicting symbols when
> an application is (at runtime) linked against two different versions
> of the library.
> A typical case will include something like this
> applicationX --> links directly against libbar1 and libgnutls42
> libbar1 in turn is linked against libgnutls12
> Without (differently) versioned symbols applicationX will crash
> randomly. With it, it won't. applicationX will automatically use
> libgnutls42 and any gnutls-invocations from libbar1 will automatically
> use libgnutls12.

Good example, thanks.


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