[gnutls-dev]gnutls 0.5.11

Timo Schulz twoaday at freakmail.de
Wed Nov 6 22:46:02 CET 2002

On Wed Nov 06 2002; 00:01, Ivo Timmermans wrote:

> > - Depends on the new OpenCDK 0.3.2.
> This hasn't been released yet, AFAICS, or am I missing something?
> Also, the suggested URL for downloading it as given by the configure
> script is wrong:

But the 0.3.2-cvs version is available and it should work if you get the
code directly from the CVS. I didn't succeed to release the 0.3.2,
but I will do this soon. And then, I will put a tarball in the right
directory (ftp.gnutls.org/pub/gnutls/opencdk/)


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