[gnutls-dev] A tiny patch for libtasn1 (0.2.17)

Bernard Leak bernard at brenda-arkle.demon.co.uk
Wed Jan 25 17:25:23 CET 2006

Dear List,
                   I sent a supplementary patch for the testsuite, which 
became stuck in
the "submission too large" queue.  It's been in there (or deleted) since 
the 20th of
January.  The patch includes a renamed file, so the diff output includes 
the entire
text of the old and new versions, surrounding a quite small set of 
changes.  Is a list moderator looking into it?  Suggestions for reducing 
the bulk
of the patch without breaking everyone's autopilot use of 'patch' are 

Bernard Leak
Before they made me, they broke the mould
(Bother, it appears that Groucho Marx said this about Sid Perelman, 
before I thought of it)

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