Unparseable PKCS#12 cert

Joe Orton joe at manyfish.co.uk
Tue Oct 28 11:27:52 CET 2008

Hi folks, I've attached a PKCS#12 file which was apparently produced by 
the Bouncy Castle Java crypto toolkit; GnuTLS 2.5.6 + libtasn1 1.3 can't 
parse it.  I haven't attempted to debug this any further.

OpenSSL can parse it, though PKCS12_parse() failed to pair up the key 
and cert correctly (instead giving the key and embedded CA cert), which 
is why I heard about this.  Just happened to try this cert with GnuTLS 

$ bin/certtool --p12-info --infile ~/TestUser.p12  --inder
bin/certtool: p12_import: ASN1 parser: Error in TAG.

The encryption password is "password".

Regards, Joe
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