Using LGPLv3+ license for libgnutls?

Colin Leroy colin at
Wed Sep 10 09:39:07 CEST 2008

On Wed, 10 Sep 2008 09:28:29 +0200, Simon Josefsson wrote:


> The problem is for GPLv2-only projects that wants to use a LGPLv3
> library.

The inverse problem exists too (GPLv3+ projects that wants to use a
LGPLv2 only library). It doesn't concern GnuTLS, but I thought I'd
mention it (we've been bitten twice when switching Claws Mail to GPLv3,
first with libclamav (their fault) then libpoppler (bad audit)).

> Using LGPLv3+ also has consequences for projects that wants to copy
> code from GnuTLS (they need to be GPLv3+ or LGPLv3+), but that is not
> something that happens widely enough to care about as far as I am
> aware. If anyone knows of significant code re-use from gnutls, let me
> know.

If such code re-use existed, upgrading GnuTLS to v3 wouldn't impact the
existing code re-uses, but the v2 projects reusing GnuTLS code wouldn't
be able to update from new GnuTLS code.

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