support for AIX and HP-UX

Dr. David Kirkby david.kirkby at
Fri Feb 18 12:03:07 CET 2011

On 02/17/11 10:22 PM, Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos wrote:
> On 02/17/2011 06:32 PM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
>> On 02/17/11 02:50 PM, Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos wrote:
>>> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 3:12 PM, derleader mail<derleader at>   wrote:
>>>>    Hi,
>>>>     I'm interested is it possible to use GnuTLS with IBM AIX and
>>>> HP-UX? I need
>>>> to develop a application which uses GnuTLS for secure communication
>>>> on these
>>>> platforms.
>>> You shouldn't have any problem on these platforms since they are
>>> supposed to be
>>> POSIX compliant. If you have any issue report it as bug.
>>> regards,
>>> Nikos
>> I had problems when trying to build GnuTLS on both AIX and HP-UX, as
>> part of the Sage maths program. Though this was with a rather old
>> version of GnuTLS (2.2.1)
>> Here's the issue I had on AIX 5.3
>> Here's the issue I had on HP-UX 11.11B
>> (note I did report this HP-UX. I don't recall getting any feedback, but
>> I may have done).
> As I can understand from the logs, the gnutls-serv and gnutls-cli
> programs do not build. Does this affect you on using the library?
> regards,
> Nikos

To be honest I don't know. I did not spend a lot of time on this, as I was only 
looking to see what components of Sage (there are about 100 of them) would build 
on AIX and HP-UX, and which would not. This was mainly to see the likelihood of 
porting Sage to those platforms.

At least in the version we use (2.2.1) there does not appear to be any configure 
options to disable the build of gnutls-serv and gnutls-cli. Is there in the latest?

If anyone wanted access to the AIX or HP-UX hardware for testing, I could 
provide it. But due to power consumption of these machines, they don't run 24/7, 
so it would have to be by arrangement, but I don't mind leaving them on a week 
or so. (The power bill is paid by me personally, as these are my own personal 
hardware in my house).


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