[gnutls-devel] Problems compiling from git on Mac OS X

Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos nmav at gnutls.org
Wed Dec 12 19:02:44 CET 2012

On 12/10/2012 07:44 PM, Alfredo Pironti wrote:

>> We use the real time clocks in few of the tests, but they should be
>> disabled in systems that don't provide them. Does make check fail on
>> macosx? If yes would a patch like the attached solve the issue?
> Unfortunately, the patch didn't solve the issue. It seems the problem
> is compilation of the ecore library, which gets compiled anyway, even
> if eagain-cli is kept out for macosx. So it seems that either one can
> compile the ecore library under macosx, or all tests depending on it
> should be disabled. I don't know which one is easier.

This patch should disable the ecore library as well so it should be ok.
If not please try to trim it to avoid building the things that are not
supported in macosx. Let me know of any changes needed in order to apply it.



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