DTLS Server

Don Sullivan donald.v.sullivan at nasa.gov
Wed Oct 24 03:49:06 CEST 2012

Build of the DTLS server is disabled in both gnutls-3.0.25 and gnutls-3.1.3.

Why ?

When I try to build it, ex-client-dtls segfaults on the handshake (both versions)

Suggestions ?

In advance, Thank You !

       Don Sullivan
       NASA Ames Research Center
       Bldg N245, Rm 131a/MS 245-4
       P.O. Box 1
       Moffett Field, CA 94035-0001
       Office: +1 650 604 0526
       Mobile: +1 650 714 9742
       Line2:  +1 831 621 5023
       email: donald.v.sullivan at nasa.gov
       OR: yes_its_don at mac.com
- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc
"Scientists seek to understand what is, engineers seek to create what never was."
- Theodore Karman
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