[gnutls-devel] GnuTLS | Improve the gnutls_aead_cipher documentation (#716)

Development of GNU's TLS library gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Tue Feb 26 16:18:33 CET 2019

New Issue was created.

Issue 716: https://gitlab.com/gnutls/gnutls/issues/716
Author:    Andreas Schneider

The documentation is only very basic. There are a lot of thing which are totally unclear. One example is e.g. for the gnutls_aead_cipher_encryptv() function. Can you just set a auth_iov with count 1 or does it need to be the same count as iov?

The ctext only says 'the encrypted data', it doesn't mention that at the end of the cipher text the tag get appended.

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