[gnutls-devel] GnuTLS | guile bindings not multi-arch safe (#838)

Development of GNU's TLS library gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Wed Nov 20 15:33:56 CET 2019

civodul commented:

On an FHS distro like Debian, the installed `gnutls.scm` can simply do:

(load-extension "guile-gnutls-v-2" "scm_init_gnutls")

That works because `guile-gnutls-v-2.so` is installed in the directory returned by `pkg-config guile-2.2 --variable extensiondir`.

However, that won't work in the general case where `libdir` for GnuTLS is not necessarily the same as `libdir` for Guile.

I think the solution for Debian is to make the `load-extension` change above.  For upstream GnuTLS though, I'm not sure how this could be addressed.


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