[gnutls-devel] GnuTLS | Clarify plans for gost implementation (#942)

Development of GNU's TLS library gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Fri Feb 21 21:53:40 CET 2020

Dmitry Baryshkov commented:

1. I think so, because it allows users to compile out GOST support (and Andrew perfectly demonstrates that this feature is demanded by our users).

2. To clarify: GOST algorithms are enabled by default (to allow one to work with certificates, to check signatures, etc).  On the other hand GOST ciphersuites are excluded from `NORMAL`, but can be easily enabled in config file. @nmav can probably better comment on his future intents.

3. For now it is working with certificates, signatures mostly (official digital documents in Russia are signed with GOST DSA). There are not so many sites requiring GOST TLS ciphersuites (mostly government, taxes, tenders, etc). But there are rumors that amount of such sites might increase.

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