[gnutls-devel] GnuTLS | Can't generate public.crt on Windows 2016 (#923)

Development of GNU's TLS library gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Tue Jan 28 19:32:21 CET 2020

labnewbie commented:

I do.  When I use a bogus .cnf name (igiveup.cnf for example) i get a file not found error.  so I know it is seeing my correct cert.cnf file.

Its contents are based on what Mini publishes https://docs.min.io/docs/how-to-secure-access-to-minio-server-with-tls.html#generate-a-self-signed-certificate :
# X.509 Certificate options
# DN options

# The organization of the subject.
organization = "Homelab"

# The organizational unit of the subject.
#unit = "sleeping dept."

# The state of the certificate owner.
state = "NY"

# The country of the subject. Two letter code.
country = "US"

# The common name of the certificate owner.
cn = "John Smith"

# In how many days, counting from today, this certificate will expire.
expiration_days = 365

# X.509 v3 extensions

# DNS name(s) of the server
dns_name = "localhost"

# (Optional) Server IP address
ip_address = ""

# Whether this certificate will be used for a TLS server

Thanks for any help.

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