[gnutls-devel] GnuTLS | certificate compression: unsolicited CompressedCertificate is accepted (#1440)

Read-only notification of GnuTLS library development activities gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Wed Dec 7 17:48:00 CET 2022

Alexander Sosedkin created an issue: https://gitlab.com/gnutls/gnutls/-/issues/1440

I've discovered two related cases of non-compliance with RFC8879,
specifically with this requirement:

> The algorithm MUST be one of the algorithms listed in the peer's compress_certificate extension.

Both have been discovered with my yet currently WIP [tlslite](https://github.com/tlsfuzzer/tlslite-ng/pull/484)/[tlsfuzzer](https://github.com/tlsfuzzer/tlsfuzzer/pull/802) merge requests.

Case 1:
Consider a GnuTLS server compiled with certificate compression,
but **without any certificate compression** enabled in runtime.
Receiving a CompressedCertificate in reply to CertificateRequest
**despite not sending a compress_certificate extension** beforehand
leads to decompressing and validating the certificate.
An appropriate alert for this case would be unexpected_message.

Case 2:
Consider a GnuTLS server compiled with a certificate compression,
with **some, but not all certificate compression algorithms** enabled in runtime.
Receiving a CompressedCertificate in reply to CertificateRequest
**using a not-enabled compression algorithm**
leads to decompressing and validating the certificate.
An appropriate alert for this case would be illegal_parameter.

Both should be addressed by adding the following checks
as the peer's CompressedCertificate is about to be decompressed:
1. compress_certificate extension has indeed been received
2. the specific algorithm selected by the peer has been negotiated beforehand

I anticipate that symmetric issues might also be in place
for clients decompressing unsolicited server certificates.

CC @ZoltanFridrich, @dueno.

Invocation I've used for 1:
$ gnutls-serv --x509certfile ~/.certs/server/cert.pem --x509keyfile ~/.certs/server/key.pem --x509cafile ~/.certs/ca/cert.pem --port 4433 -d9 --verify-client-cert &
$ scripts/test-tls13-certificate-nocompression-verify.py -c ~/.certs/client/cert.pem -k ~/.certs/client/key.pem -E "signature_algorithms status_request 47" --algorithms zstd,zlib,brotli'
brotli-compressed certificate aborts ...
Error encountered while processing node ExpectAlert(level=2, description=10) (child: None) with last message being: None

Invocation I've used for 2:
$ gnutls-serv --x509certfile ~/.certs/server/cert.pem --x509keyfile ~/.certs/server/key.pem --x509cafile ~/.certs/ca/cert.pem --port 4433 -d9 --compress-cert zstd --compress-cert zlib --verify-client-cert &
$ test-tls13-certificate-compression-verify.py -c ~/.certs/client/cert.pem -k ~/.certs/client/key.pem -E "signature_algorithms status_request 47" --algorithms zstd,zlib --disabled brotli
brotli client cert rejected ...
Error encountered while processing node ExpectAlert(level=2, description=47) (child: None) with last message being: None

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