[gnutls-devel] GnuTLS | remove autogen dependency (!1506)

Read-only notification of GnuTLS library development activities gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Wed Jan 12 14:52:52 CET 2022

Alexander Sosedkin started a new discussion on src/certtool-options.json: https://gitlab.com/gnutls/gnutls/-/merge_requests/1506#note_808365307

> +[
> +  {
> +    "meta": {
> +      "desc": "",
> +      "prog-name": "certtool",
> +      "prog-title": "GnuTLS certificate tool",
> +      "prog-desc": "Manipulate certificates and private keys.",
> +      "detail": "Tool to parse and generate X.509 certificates, requests and private keys.\nIt can be used interactively or non interactively by\nspecifying the template command line option.\n\nThe tool accepts files or supported URIs via the --infile option. In case PIN\nis required for URI access you can provide it using the environment variables GNUTLS_PIN \nand GNUTLS_SO_PIN.\n",
> +      "short-usage": "certtool [options]\ncerttool --help for usage instructions.\n",
> +      "explain": ""
> +    },
> +    "options": [
> +      {
> +        "long-option": "debug",
> +        "short-option": "d",
> +        "arg-min": "0 ",

Would it be hard to make numbers numbers, as in `0` and `9999` instead of `"0 "` and `" 9999"`?

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