[gnutls-devel] GnuTLS | remove autogen dependency (!1506)

Read-only notification of GnuTLS library development activities gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Thu Jan 13 19:13:33 CET 2022

Alexander Sosedkin commented on a discussion on python/jsonopts.py: https://gitlab.com/gnutls/gnutls/-/merge_requests/1506#note_810004201

> +                out.write(f'''\
> +\t\t\t\t- requires these options:
> +{require_opts_concatenated}
> +''')
> +            file_exists = option.get('file-exists', 'no')
> +            if file_exists == 'yes':
> +                out.write('\t\t\t\t- file must pre-exist\n')
> +            disable_prefix = option.get('disable-prefix')
> +            if disable_prefix:
> +                out.write(
> +                    f"\t\t\t\t- disabled as '--{disable_prefix}{long_opt}'\n"
> +                )
> +            if 'enabled' in option:
> +                out.write('\t\t\t\t- enabled by default\n')
> +            max_count = option.get('max')
> +            if max_count and (max_count == 'NOLIMIT' or int(max_count) > 1):

Sorry, the place where I've put this comment was rather arbitrary - the one where it came to my mind while reading.

I meant that I could find neither an option that uses a number instead of "NOLIMIT" nor the code to handle a numerical value, thus I have a slight preference towards not supporting that yet and just aborting hard on a encountering a number.

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